2nd SATA Hard drive installed on Asus M3N78-VM

It’s 10:50am and currently installing my 2nd 640gb Serial ATA HD on my Quad Core Asus m3n78-vm motherboard.

I bought this 2nd hard drive months ago and just placed it inside the case because the 1st time i tried formatting it windows xp cannot see it. by conventional means-that is.

So today I plugged in that drive again and tried to look for it in My Computer and still cannot find it. So I tried to right-click on my computer and picked managed and went to the Disk Management under Storage and saw my 2nd sata hard drive! Ohh what excitement! Finally getting somewhere now.

Saw the 2nd sata drive being labeled as disk 1. ok. went back and realized that the 1st 500 gb sata drive i had there is labeled as disk 0 so we are ok.

Right clicked on the 2nd drive I’m installing and selected a full partition and now it’s 10% formatting. What joy for a shallow person. LOL!

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