Ipod touch getting stuck on backing up

This is my 5th time to try another fix to resolve this ipod touch problem in backing up. I’m trying to upgrade the os to 4.0 but it needs to backup the data before it can do so. Opps..just got fed up with it…restoring without backup…sucks!

eternal champions mode

Will tackle some Honey-do list today. Got a good start on the home office closet and now moving to the bathroom fix before getting ready for a kids bday in the afternoon.

owned the 1st out of 468

Well its not exactly an accomplishment that you can brag about since the competition is just less then 500 but its a nice feeling when you see the SERP and your site is on the 1st position.

What is Tak-u Langma-gu?

A rough translation can be ‘devious’ in pinoy street lingo. tak-u is ‘utak’ and langma-gu is ‘magulang’ so ‘utak magulang’. Just like this penguin in this video that jumps into the boat to escape those killer whales that was after him. I think somehow the penguin knew that the whales are not going to get… Continue reading What is Tak-u Langma-gu?

When is Fathers Day in 2010?

Father’s Day in celebrated in the US every 3rd Sunday of June. So in this year 2010 Fathers day will be on June 20, 2010.

sidebar switching on a friday night

I decided to move around some widgets on my blog. Moved the search box all the way down to push up my Tag Cloud followed by the Categories. Let’s see the results in a few days..